Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Method To My Madness

I have been posting what I am calling an E-pistle on my blog. Each week I am sending out the E-pistle to church members and friends. I'm cheating in a way by posting it also on the blog. But, the blog serves a different set of people, and also allows for further discussion, while a blind-copy email group doesn't. The previous post was an example of the E-pistle. Some may see both, but I hope that if you do get the email, you will be able to respond here.

Plus, those of you on the blog roll can participate in the shenanigans too.

Let's see how that works.


Unknown said...


I like this approach. My good friend in the Baltimore-Washington Conference does this weekly and has hundreds on it responding and interacting.

I like this approach but as an amiable, like face to face too! Keep the ideas rolling... Happy Birthday Tracy!

Brett Probert said...

Good schtuff my friend. Keep up the great work.

Hippo Birdie two ewes to Tracy