Monday, August 27, 2007

First Thoughts

Mike Vick made a statement following his appearance in court today. It was not the most eloquent statement that I have ever heard. I question his sincerity and some of the advice that he may have been given.

I was shocked by one statement. After saying that he was going to "turn to God" through this situation, he proceeded to say "I will redeem myself."

Wow! Didn't know that was really possible.

I think he has some more "turnin' to God" to do.


Randy Roda said...

Ditto...I didn't think he was sincere either

Keith H. McIlwain said...

I pray that he was sincere and that we see a changed man emerging from prison in 18 months. I couldn't care less about his football career, which I believe is over, but I do hope he becomes the man that God has called him to be. Who knows? He may be the next St. Paul.

Unknown said...

Personally I find it kinda irritating that he's going to rely on "turning to God" so that his sponsors and fans will forgive him and give him his contracts back. It's not that I don't hope he's sincere, I guess I just have my doubts that he changed that much that quickly.