Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Can I boast?

A topic of discussion around peers sometimes consists of the question, "So - how are things going?" The usual and comfortable answer is usually, "well." It is an answer that is safe, non-descript, and says about as much as the answer we give when someone asks us how we are.

Maybe it's because we don't want to boast, or sound arrogant, or haughty. Maybe there is a part of us that is reserving judgement - don't want to brag too soon. Maybe there is a part of us that is too myopic or nearsighted, and the question only brings about thoughts of the present.

So - go ahead and ask me! How are things going? Today my response is "Excellent!" And I guess I need to say why. Numbers are coming in for the end of the year. You know it's that time of the year when we are doing end of year reports. It's also a time when I am reflecting on Christmas and attendance, and even my messages. The easy thing for some to say is to say that it is a reflection of me. My response is to say, no - it's much larger than me. There has got to be something different happening. My only response is that God is doing something here.

Our average attendance was up last year. The last six months surpassed the previous six months by nearly 500. Our income outlasted our expenses by more than they have in years. And the last sunday of the year, a day when most churches saw a small attendance, there were 206 in worship!

My thoughts move to Paul and his ministry. In his second letter to the people of Corinth, he writes a defense, or we could say that he boasts about his ministry. But Paul is careful to reflect on the source of his boasting - the Lord. You can read what he says in 2 Corinthians 10 here.

Hopefully, I am boasting about what God is doing, and not what I am doing. I can't do this stuff on my own, and would be foolish to think otherwise. I want to keep a level head, but I am so excited about how God is moving and leading people at this church. It has been my prayer that people would come to hear the Word of God. God is doing just that - and I am proud that our congregation can be a part of that Kingdom work.

Hopefully, I have confined my boasting to the "proper limits," and the "field God has assigned."

Thank you God for this ministry.


Brett Probert said...

Talk about some awesome stuff. You are not boasting of you, but of God. That is Pauline! Keep the faith, stay the course, fight the good fight my brother. God has you there for a reason and He is using you!!!

Chris said...

Greg, College Hill is blessed to have you there, and I am blessed to be a brother in ministry with you.

Keith H. McIlwain said...

It seems to me you boasted in just the right way, brother.