Friday, October 10, 2008

Just leave this long haired country boy alone!

So, I'm driving back to the office this morning from Jamitch printing up on Darlington Road, and I'm listening to WDVE. It is a stray for me lately, becuase while I like music a lot, I love sports talk radio too. Anyway - I was listening, and a song came on by the Charlie Daniels Band. Great Song! Maybe you've heard it before. It has that capability of sticking in your head, and when you come up the stairs back to the office, your secretary looks at you like your nuts.

Long Haired Country Boy is the song. Look it up on iTunes if you don't know it.

The second verse got me thinking.

Preacher man talking on TV, puttin' down the rock and roll. Wants me to send a donation 'cause he's worried about my soul. He said, "Jesus walked on the water." And I know that it's true. But sometimes I think that preacher man would like to do a little walking too. But I ain't asking nobody for nothin' if I can't get it on my own. If you don't like the way I'm livin' you just leave this long haired country boy alone.

Now, I think that the line about preachers wanting to walk on water is a commentary on how the outside looks in and how there are a lot of preachers who have a Jesus complex and their arrogance has them believing that they can walk on water. It is a great verse. Why ask for people to change their lives if we are indeed just as bad.

But (and you knew this was coming), Shouldn't we all be water walking and doing a little of it ourselves. Not alone, in a way to say, "look at me," but in a way that is both inviting and engaging? There is that engage word again. Shouldn't we all be wanting to walk on water. Some food for thought.


Brett Probert said...

I don't know all about that, but I do know you have really long hair.

Keith H. McIlwain said...

I remember having hair. It was fun.

Keith H. McIlwain said...

As far as water walking...I keep falling in when I try that! Doing that in the faithful way you describe takes a LOT of humility, and I'm still a mite too self-centered and arrogant to walk that way just yet. But it's a goal.

Anonymous said...

Knowing some about Charlie Daniels makes me think he wanted to make a comment about High Priced $$$$ TV Preachers that feel a need to live the good life. Preachers doing a little walking on the high end.

I also feel that the "Don't want nuthing from anyone, if I can't get it on my own" statement has the "anyone" to mean earthy people. Not GOD. It is a slap to people taking from the government programs when they have all the ability to get off their butt and work and be productive. It takes from the people that could actually use it.

Country boy at heart
