Showing posts with label Philippians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philippians. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Vote Early and Often!

So! Who did you vote for?

I really don’t want you to answer that question. It was rhetorical. In fact, it was so rhetorical because it’s not the point of this E-pistle. Maybe the more appropriate question would be, “So, Did you vote!”

I’m glad you asked. Yes, I voted this morning. I was on the way home from swimming very early in the morning when KDKA announced that the Polls were expected to open in 60 seconds. I looked at the clock and thought that it would be a good time to go and vote. Get it done, out of the way!

I won the bronze, came in third. Quite a disappointing finish! Although it was the best finish that I’ve ever had. I’ve never voted that early. My usual question of voter turnout is quite moot at that hour in the morning. But I digress.

After voting, I had been reading a book entitled, “Resurrecting Excellence: Shaping Faithful Christian Ministry” by Gregory Jones and Kevin Armstrong. I didn’t get far today because I got stuck thinking about one statement. That made me think about how I live, how I think, and it even made me think about how I voted.

They were talking about a theology of Christian Excellence and how it is that we should be seeking it in our lives. They argued that the book of Philippians has a significance for us that should shape our lives and ministries. They write, “we are called to develop a common life that strives “side by side with one mind for the faith of the gospel” (Phil 1:27).” Moreover, they argue that we should have the “mind of Christ.”

This may not be earth shattering journalism or new doctrine, but what made me really start to think was something that was said a paragraph later. “First it is important to note that seeking insight into Christ’s mind is not simply a matter of cognitive reasoning . . . but is better construed as a form of practical reasoning that involves our whole lives: feeling, thinking, and perceiving, as well as acting and living” (Excellence, p. 18). With that said, they go on to say that you could rightly translate that text as, “Let this be your pattern of thinking, acting, and feeling which was also displayed in Christ Jesus.”

So in other words, I began to think, this thought process, this mind of Christ should invade and influence every facet of my life? As I shake my head and confirm that yes, indeed it should. It should influence everything. But then I ask myself the larger question.

Does it?

Do we allow the mind of Christ to be one with out own in everything that we do? Do we allow the mind of Christ to be a part of ourselves in the thinking, the acting, the feeling, and for that matter, the speaking? Is Christ that much a part of your life?

And then I guess this is why I got stuck. Then I thought to myself – did I allow that same mind to be a part of my time standing behind an electronic voting machine this morning?

What about you? Did you vote? How did you vote? And maybe more importantly, if you didn’t vote with the “mind of Christ,” will you in November?

Just some food for thought, and something to chew on when you go to the poll today.

I do not take PAC money from Duke University, Gregory Jones or Eerdman Publishing.

I am Gregory Cox, and I approved this message.

Please pray for me, and know that I am praying for you.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Just a Little Reminder

Yesterday, the girls were home from school. It was an in-service day and also a day for parent teacher conferences. They have enjoyed being home and having a few days of rest and a few days to stay up late and sleep in too. Last night we even let them stay up later than usual so that they could watch a little of the Steelers game.

Mondays are usually a day for me to make lunches for the kids, but because they were home for the day, I had a reprieve. But what made the day even more special was that they actually made lunch for me! Tracy helped them put together the lunch so that it wasn’t just Kit-Kats and crackers. Just to be sure that I knew it was mine at the office; they even put my name on it!

It was a great lunch – a sandwich, a banana, and some yogurt. Perfect! But what made the lunch even more special were the notes that I found in it. It was a great day – three notes from my girls and a card from Tracy!

Each one was special because it reminded me that I am loved. They each put their special personal touch into the notes, saying something special. Bekah had a chart, Elisabeth shared a scribble, and Sarah even included a scripture verse from Philippians 4:19. “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” There was even a little P.S. – eat well.

I know that I am loved and I know that my life is even more rich because of it. I also know that I am loved by God, and because of that love I am able to be who I am and seek the transformation to which God calls me. But isn’t it good to be reminded of that every so often, to read it, and to have it be said?

There are so many people in the world who don’t know that, and I think that is unfortunate. People don’t get notes in their lunches, and people don’t even express it personally. That’s why I think we need the church and I think it is why we need to constantly hear that God loves us. We need to hear, express, and know that God is love.

Maybe you know this, but you are loved. If it’s not by someone very close to you, I do know that you are loved by God. And the scriptures are that reminder for us.

So, today I think I will just send you a note reminding you that you are loved. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that who ever would believe in him would live for ever.

God loves you. Maybe you knew that. But if you don’t, I’m sending this to you for a little lunch reminder.

This week, we conclude our congregational study, Treasures of a Transformed Life and we will be celebrating Consecration Sunday in Worship. Rev. Fred Leasure from the United Methodist Foundation will be preaching. I look forward to seeing you this week. Remember, whatever you commit to in your prayers, presence, gifts and service, God will supply us with everything that we need through Christ. I think I found that note in my lunch this week and in scriptures too!

Please pray for me, and know that I am praying for you.