Monday, March 10, 2008

Time for a Check-up

This morning, I finally put off procrastination and took number 1 to the orthodontist. It was a year ago that the Dentist told me that we should be going, but I put it off. I think it was a combination of things including fear of monthly payments, fear of the unknown, fear of taking my 9 year old to the orthodontist and reliving my own awkward years with metal-mouth, and finally fear of vicariously gaging while she received impressions. Maybe there was also the part of me that didn't want her to grow up!

So I'm sitting there watching her get evaluated, and photographed - and I actually caught myself doing what the assistant was asking her to do. "Open up" - I opened my mouth. "Lift your lip up" - I lifted mine. "Tilt" - I tilted. I felt like a psychological experiment gone wrong. Pavlov's dog. Sit Ubu, sit! Good Dog!

Well - thank God she received my big mouth and she doesn't need to be seen for another year!


Charlotte said...

Sit... good dog! I think our kids are subjected to the orthodonist WAY too early. 9 years old... think about that... her mouth has barely had time to grow and change. I'm glad I didn't listen to our dentist about my girls. I waited until they were in high school before I sent them, and boy am I glad I did. You see... their mouths were a mess when they were little, but as they have grown and their bodies have caught up to them, their mouths are good and neither one of them needs braces. Their mouths are not perfect, but there is nothing major to fix. And this is all because we chose to WAIT. I think we jump the gun way too early on the orthodonist... let their bodies grow and catch up! Good luck!

Brett Probert said...

What a good boy!!!

Chris said...

Just remember Greg that the dog's kennel is not the place to keep a sausage.