Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wrinkles and All

Our parsonage is a flurry of activity this week. We are getting new carpet this Thursday on the first floor. That doesn’t sound that complicated, until you hear what you have to do in order to get the carpet. If you’ve been through this – you can relate.

The girls asked initially if we needed to move all the furniture. We were happy to say “no, the carpet installers will do that.” However, there was a “but” at the end of that sentence.

All of the books on the bookshelf need to be taken down. The knickknacks need to be put somewhere safe. The china in the china closet needs to be taken away. The computer needs to be disconnected, and the stereo too.

All of this sounds simple, until I tell you that with the exception of the kitchen and the play-room; the entire first floor, the stairs leading upstairs, and the landing at the top of the stairs are being carpeted. It would be quite easy if we could move the aforementioned stuff into the other room, but it’s just not that simple. We have to find space for all that stuff amongst the space that we won’t have carpeted, and where it will cause the least disruption. “Guess what kids? Your toy room is not just a toy room this week!”

There’s not much of a choice. (Last night however, I found that the dumpster is an excellent alternative.)

We’re getting new carpeting in the parsonage because the present carpeting is just plain worn out. No one has records to know exactly when it was installed, but it is at least 10 years old by some estimations. That may not be that old for some, but this carpeting has seen better days. The main problem is the wrinkles that have developed over the course of the past two years. They have gotten only become worse. It is stained, worn in the high traffic areas, and cleaning the carpet has only made the situation dire.

There have been times when we have tried to limit the amount of eating that happens in the family room, but those efforts have largely failed. Three children under 8 years listen well, until they see dad drinking his coffee in his recliner.

Well – Thursday’s it! The lady of the house has laid down the law! When the carpet is installed, there will be no more eating in the family room!

Wow! Just think of it. No more popcorn while watching a movie. No more fruit loops while watching Hannah Montana. No coffee or oatmeal watching the Today show. Oh the humanity!

We have to change our ways – and now!

This has made me think about how hard it is for us as Christians to truly repent. To repent is to change, truly change – 180 degree change. When we repent, we move away from our former self or a former way of life and we move in a new direction.

In Acts chapter 2, Peter is preaching to a multitude with the message of repentance. In verse 38 he says, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off – for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

What a wonderful promise. Like our carpet, we have a chance to start over when we repent. In the end we are washed clean. No more wrinkles (spiritually speaking) and no more stains. But even then we have work to do. We must continue to deny that former self and all that stuff we used to do, so that we can remain clean.

July is not the traditional season of repentance, but what a great time to think about it. What do you need to remove from your life or change in order to be made new?


Chris said...

Greg, its times like these that our wives need to know who's boss... and if Jan reads this I'll say that someone stole my blogger password.

Really though, I pray that I as grow closer to Christ, I would be more and more willing to "give-up" those things that keep me from walking with Him.

Greg Cox said...

Chris - tell me if I need to hit the delete button

Keith H. McIlwain said...

How long will the food and drink ban last? I wonder...

Your point re: repentance is well taken. How difficult real change can be!

Anonymous said...

Greg Cox and Chris Kindle;
It's too late for the delete button!!! Oh the humanity my foot. Oh, and the lady of the house is not as free flowing with her grace as our gracious Lord about starting new with no food in the family room. (hee-hee)

Greg, really good stuff you saying. Thanks. I will not miss the spots and wrinkles in the carpet, but I will miss eating popcorn while watching a movie.

Elephant shoes!

Barb said...

Go Tracy, Go Tracy!!!!! Roll with it Sister~

Brenda said...

I would tell Corben and Pearl no more food or drink, but I like a Pepsi while I watch TV.
As far as repentance it is one of the hardest things for us to do as Christians. I pray that I do a 180 when Christ calls me to.

Prettybird said...

I am not surprised that you eat fruit loops while watching Hannah Montanna, but I wouldn't expect that your kids would go for coffee and oatmeal!

Good luck with the "no eating in the living room" thing. I've pretty much gotten it down to "no red sauce or juice" in the livingroom.

Congratulations on new carpet! (And good post.)


Randy Roda said...

Greg...we all know who the boss of your house is. My advice...get cable t.v. in the kitchen